Product description
Some of you likely remember the Shadowrun trading card game from back in the ’90s. Well, we’ve been updating the graphics, putting in some new art, tweaking a few game elements here and there, and getting it ready for re-release! It will come in two boxes, the Magic deck and the Machine deck, that lets you choose your area of emphasis. You can build two decks and get playing with either deck, or you can get both boxes to make your deck exactly the way you want it to be!
Shadowrun Edge Zone DBG: Deck Box 2-Pack
Number of players
2-4 players
Recommended: 2, 4 players
Best: 2, 4 players
Recommended age
0+ years
Medium (2.0 / 5)
Catalyst Game Labs
Other product versions
Shadowrun Edge Zone DBG: Magic Deck (EN)
Shadowrun Edge Zone DBG: Mayhem Deck (EN)
Shadowrun Edge Zone DBG: Mayhem Deck (EN)
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