Nemesis: Lockdown Insert

Nemesis: Lockdown Insert

Nemesis: Lockdown Insert

Normaler Preis CHF 45.00
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Note: Insert designed for game with external box dimensions of 30.0 x 30.0 x 15.2 cm. Insert compatible with Nemesis: Lockdown® and includes space for the Nemesis Lockdown: Stretch Goal content. The design provides both efficient storage and improved game play. The trays can be utilised during the game and they greatly aid set-up and clear-away times. The rules and boards act as a lid on top of the trays. The insert is arranged in up to four layers as shown below. Note that the character boards are stacked with the card holders and scanner in the top right corner. The hexagon room tiles are stacked centrally in the bottom layer. The component types are split by type organising all the game components. The card door tiles can be stored with their bases attached.The insert includes one standard sized card tray and one mini card tray . Both trays have space for sleeved cards. As there are many types of cards for the game we have added here keys to each of the card tray images so you can see which type goes where. When packing away the game first place the game board on top of the trays. Then add the rule books on top. This fills the box to the top and allows for vertical storage as well as easy transport of the game. FS-NMSLD is a third party unofficial game accessory. All trademarks and copyrights remain the property of their respective owners which are in no way associated or affiliated with Folded Space EOOD. This product consists of a flat-pack of 9 Evacore sheets. The trays require assembly which is quick and fun using ordinary PVA glue. Detailed instructions are included in the package.


Verlag: Folded Space

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